Client Rights & Responsibilities

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Client Rights & Responsibilities
“You have the right:
To be treated with courtesy and respect.
To be spoken to in words and language you understand.
To have access to written and oral communication tools to aid in understanding.
To receive services in a non-discriminatory manner.
To express and practice freely any religious and spiritual beliefs.
To ask questions and make your ideas known.
To hear and talk about your family strengths, risks, and safety issues.
To take part in talking about, developing, and reviewing your case plan.
To participate in all services decisions.
To decide whether to receive services.
To know the possible consequences if you choose to refuse services.
To refuse to accept voluntary services recommended by us.
(We reserve the right to act on the interests and safety of any child).
To decide whether to take part in surveys or research.
To voice your opinion about the way you or your children have been treated.
To voice concerns you have about services (i.e. if necessary, to file a formal
To have your concerns looked into, and get an answer.
To seek legal advice.
To see your Caseworker at least once a month.
To have phone calls returned to you by your Caseworker by the next business day.
To have your case and family’s situation treated with respect, dignity, and
You have the responsibility:
To help your caseworker have reasonable access to you, your home, and your
children in order to assess the level of risk to your children.
To help your caseworker in defining your family’s strengths and needs.
To provide honest and relevant information as a basis for receiving services and
participating in service decision.
To attend court hearings, home visits, and appointments.
To visit your children on time, at all times designated by the case plan, if children
are in placement. At a minimum, call ahead to notify of any changes.
To be courteous and respectful to caseworkers and staff, all of whom assure the
safety and well-being of children.
To let your caseworker know of concerns and issues which are upsetting to you.
Additional information is available from your caseworker.”